Client Objective
Client wanted a flexible and fast platform built with Next.js, ensuring quick responses.
Aimed for a stylish design using Tailwind CSS. Content management would be easy with Contentful acting as the CMS, allowing efficient handling of content.
Implementing a dynamic language switcher for seamless content updates across the platform.
Creating a strong search feature to find the right information easily across many connected apps.
Developed a Next.js-based integration platform for smooth communication between Personio and third-party apps.
Used Tailwind CSS to create a visually appealing and design consistency.
For efficient content creation and management, we have used Contentful as a Headless CMS.
Addressed challenges by focusing on dynamic content management, maintaining design consistency, and implementing a powerful search functionality.

Personio Marketplace reached high growth with an expanding ecosystem of integrated applications.
Increases user engagement by consistent design using Tailwind CSS.
Contentful integration allowed for efficient content updates and personalised content delivery.
Successfully implemented a language switcher and overcame search challenges, delivering a powerful and accurate search functionality for users.